Tanzania Women Journalist Advocates for Child Rights
(TAWOJAC), is a Non-governmental organization registered
under Act No. 24 of 2002 under the Ministry of Community
Development, Gender, Women and Special Groups.
TAWOJAC advocates for rights of Children, with reference to
the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) and the
African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child.
TAWOJAC seeks to curb gender based violence, violence
against children including sexual abuse and child labour.
The organization also focuses on empowering women in
digital technology and its appropriate use, enabling them
to harness digital technology opportunities for self
development, creativity, mentorship and entrepreneurial
Empowering children and women in Tanzania by safeguarding their rights through advocacy, policy reform, and capacity building.
To have a society where women and children are
protected and, to access quality life changing